The story

Have you ever contemplated where you will be when your life is over?  

The Bible says that God has put eternity into man’s heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11)  Please take a few moments to read this and contemplate what the Bible teaches about the afterlife.

Why am I here?  
  • Isaiah 43:6-7 states that God created men and women for His glory.  
What does it mean to glorify God?  
  • It means to appreciate, delight in, thank, and obey Him.  God is not against us finding pleasure. He created pleasure. True pleasure is found in living for Him.  
Am I fulfilling my purpose?  
  • The Bible teaches that “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23.  Not respecting God as He deserves is sin.  Instead of finding our satisfaction in God, we instead, seek possessions, man’s praise, status, other people, even hobbies (including sports) more than God.  Instead of worshipping God, we worship what He has created.
What happens to those who reject God and His purpose? 
  • God is kind and gracious.  Yet the Bible also teaches that God is Holy (Revelation 15:4) and Just (Deuteronomy 32:4).  When a person commits a horrific crime, we expect justice.  In the same way, when we have broken God’s law by not loving Him exclusively we, too, can expect justice.  The Bible warns us of an eternal place called “hell” for those who die in their sin.  Jesus spoke of hell 11 times Himself-referring to it as eternal fire in Matthew 25:41
What has God done to spare me from hell?  
  • Out of love and concern for us, God sent Jesus to die on your behalf.  “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).  God, the righteous Judge, put the penalty of your sin upon Jesus at the cross.  While we have rejected God and His purpose, Jesus took the cross that was rightly ours.  He died in our place!
How do I receive eternal life?  
  • Eternal life is secured when we turn from our sins and place our trust in what Christ did on the cross for us.  Eternal life is a “gift of God, not a result of works” (Ephesians 2:8-9).  You cannot earn a right relationship with God through any human effort.  We must acknowledge our sin and place our faith in Jesus’ death on the cross to save us. 
What should I do?  
  • Call upon Jesus to save you, turn from your sin.  Then what?  Begin to read the Bible.  Get involved in a Bible-preaching church where you are able to know and enjoy God.

If you have more questions contact
Highland Crest Baptist Church