Graduation Recognition Sunday 2024
May 19th at 10:15 a.m.


Greeting parents of High School Grads! The big day is fast approaching!!! Sunday, May 19th is Graduation Recognition Day! We’re not going to do anything BIG to embarrass them, but we will have a special bulletin in their honor and a short presentation in the morning service. Also, we wanted to make you aware of the date, so you can make plans to be here. We know you have a lot to do between now and your graduation date, but we would ask two things of you to make this day a success.  

  1. Please fill out the questionnaire below.  
  2. Please send us a Senior Grad picture and a childhood photo.  

We will be in touch with the grads individually with more details about the actual service that Sunday. If you have questions see Jarred Winkel or call the church office.

Don't forget to send two pictures for bulletin (Grad photo and favorite childhood picture)  email to